Fernstudium IOA: Home Makeover
Weiterempfehlung: | 403 Views |
Professoren/Dozenten: ca. 300
Prüfungszentren: keine
Studiengänge: 0
Weiterbildungen: 150+
IRL: Dogpatch Labs, Unit 1, The CHQ Building,
Custom House Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland.
E-Mail: info@internationalopenacademy.com
Webseite: www.internationalopenacademy.com
Bewertungen International Open Academy
- Bachelor: 0 ; Master: 0; Kurse: >150
- Studienstart: jederzeit
- Voll- und Teilzeitmodelle: nein
- Anrechnung von Vorleistungen: nein
- Teststudium: 2 Wochen
- Kostenfreie Verlängerung: nein
- Prüfungszentren: nicht relevant
- Prüfungen weltweit: nicht relevant
- Präsenzpflichten: nein
- Spezialisierungen: nein
- Flexible Kostenmodelle: ja
- Online-Tutorien: ja
- Learning-App: nein
- Fremdsprachen: ja
- Unterrichtssprache: englisch
- Akkreditierungen: Icoes
- Bachelor ohne Abitur: nicht relevant
- Social Activities: nein
- Kosten: siehe Studiengang

With the knowledge in this course, you can transform your home into your dream environment with much less effort than you might think. To begin with, your Home Refresh and Remodeling chapters will take you through the basics of decoration, refurbishment and simple repairs. Learn how to approach projects, work with contractors and keep to a budget. Discover how much work you can actually carry out yourself, saving significant costs. We’ll introduce you to the basics of interior design so you have an overall plan in mind before beginning refurbishment.
If you feel you’re ready to tackle more adventurous projects, your DIY Home Upgrade chapters take you on a rewarding journey into making your environment the best it can be. Adding new features to your home or garden through your own efforts increases your equity and also gives you deep satisfaction. Avoiding outside labor costs means you can do even more with your savings. Learn new techniques, skills and tips that help you make the changes you’d love to see sooner than you think.With the knowledge in this course, you can transform your home into your dream environment with much less effort than you might think. To begin with, your Home Refresh and Remodeling chapters will take you through the basics of decoration, refurbishment and simple repairs. Learn how to approach projects, work with contractors and keep to a budget. Discover how much work you can actually carry out yourself, saving significant costs. We’ll introduce you to the basics of interior design so you have an overall plan in mind before beginning refurbishment.
If you feel you’re ready to tackle more adventurous projects, your DIY Home Upgrade chapters take you on a rewarding journey into making your environment the best it can be. Adding new features to your home or garden through your own efforts increases your equity and also gives you deep satisfaction. Avoiding outside labor costs means you can do even more with your savings. Learn new techniques, skills and tips that help you make the changes you’d love to see sooner than you think.With the knowledge in this course, you can transform your home into your dream environment with much less effort than you might think. To begin with, your Home Refresh and Remodeling chapters will take you through the basics of decoration, refurbishment and simple repairs. Learn how to approach projects, work with contractors and keep to a budget. Discover how much work you can actually carry out yourself, saving significant costs. We’ll introduce you to the basics of interior design so you have an overall plan in mind before beginning refurbishment.
If you feel you’re ready to tackle more adventurous projects, your DIY Home Upgrade chapters take you on a rewarding journey into making your environment the best it can be. Adding new features to your home or garden through your own efforts increases your equity and also gives you deep satisfaction. Avoiding outside labor costs means you can do even more with your savings. Learn new techniques, skills and tips that help you make the changes you’d love to see sooner than you think.With the knowledge in this course, you can transform your home into your dream environment with much less effort than you might think. To begin with, your Home Refresh and Remodeling chapters will take you through the basics of decoration, refurbishment and simple repairs. Learn how to approach projects, work with contractors and keep to a budget. Discover how much work you can actually carry out yourself, saving significant costs. We’ll introduce you to the basics of interior design so you have an overall plan in mind before beginning refurbishment.
If you feel you’re ready to tackle more adventurous projects, your DIY Home Upgrade chapters take you on a rewarding journey into making your environment the best it can be. Adding new features to your home or garden through your own efforts increases your equity and also gives you deep satisfaction. Avoiding outside labor costs means you can do even more with your savings. Learn new techniques, skills and tips that help you make the changes you’d love to see sooner than you think.With the knowledge in this course, you can transform your home into your dream environment with much less effort than you might think. To begin with, your Home Refresh and Remodeling chapters will take you through the basics of decoration, refurbishment and simple repairs. Learn how to approach projects, work with contractors and keep to a budget. Discover how much work you can actually carry out yourself, saving significant costs. We’ll introduce you to the basics of interior design so you have an overall plan in mind before beginning refurbishment.
If you feel you’re ready to tackle more adventurous projects, your DIY Home Upgrade chapters take you on a rewarding journey into making your environment the best it can be. Adding new features to your home or garden through your own efforts increases your equity and also gives you deep satisfaction. Avoiding outside labor costs means you can do even more with your savings. Learn new techniques, skills and tips that help you make the changes you’d love to see sooner than you think.
Fakten zum Fernkurs Home Makeover der International Open Academy
Abschluss | Zertifikat |
Studiendauer | 60 Tage |
Studienzeitverlängerung | durch erneute Buchung des Kurses verlängerbar |
Testphase | 10 Tage unverbindlich. Widerrufsrecht von 2 Wochen |
Studienstart | jederzeit möglich |
Sprache | englisch |
Studienzulassung | keine besonderen Voraussetzungen erforderlich |
Kosten | auf Anfrage bzw. siehe Einzelkurs-Infos |
Anrechnung von Vorleistungen | nicht relevant |
Prüfungen | Online-Prüfung, in der min. 55% der Fragen korrekt beantwortet werden müssen, um das Zertifikat zu erhalten |
Kampagnen | Gutscheine und Aktionen: Nur heute (29.04.2020): 1-Jahres-Zugang zu allen Kursen um 30$ günstiger! Studieren & Bezahlen in Euro ist selbstverständlich möglich. |
Add a deeper dimension to the interior of your home with your Feng Shui Interior Design chapters. We’ll teach you the fundamentals behind this ancient Chinese practice of bringing balance and harmony to the spaces we live in. Discover how to use shapes, colors and focal points for a pleasing atmosphere. Learn what to consider when placing furniture and objects, the most auspicious location for different daily activities and the importance of flow and order.
As people live busier lives, more and more are willing to employ home stylists to translate their functional and design requirements into elegant, stunning homes that are a joy to live in. With the practical experience you gain from the knowledge in this course, you could put your new skills into action and develop a reliable income doing what you love!
Get started today and change your view for the better!Add a deeper dimension to the interior of your home with your Feng Shui Interior Design chapters. We’ll teach you the fundamentals behind this ancient Chinese practice of bringing balance and harmony to the spaces we live in. Discover how to use shapes, colors and focal points for a pleasing atmosphere. Learn what to consider when placing furniture and objects, the most auspicious location for different daily activities and the importance of flow and order.
As people live busier lives, more and more are willing to employ home stylists to translate their functional and design requirements into elegant, stunning homes that are a joy to live in. With the practical experience you gain from the knowledge in this course, you could put your new skills into action and develop a reliable income doing what you love!
Get started today and change your view for the better!Add a deeper dimension to the interior of your home with your Feng Shui Interior Design chapters. We’ll teach you the fundamentals behind this ancient Chinese practice of bringing balance and harmony to the spaces we live in. Discover how to use shapes, colors and focal points for a pleasing atmosphere. Learn what to consider when placing furniture and objects, the most auspicious location for different daily activities and the importance of flow and order.
As people live busier lives, more and more are willing to employ home stylists to translate their functional and design requirements into elegant, stunning homes that are a joy to live in. With the practical experience you gain from the knowledge in this course, you could put your new skills into action and develop a reliable income doing what you love!
Get started today and change your view for the better!Add a deeper dimension to the interior of your home with your Feng Shui Interior Design chapters. We’ll teach you the fundamentals behind this ancient Chinese practice of bringing balance and harmony to the spaces we live in. Discover how to use shapes, colors and focal points for a pleasing atmosphere. Learn what to consider when placing furniture and objects, the most auspicious location for different daily activities and the importance of flow and order.
As people live busier lives, more and more are willing to employ home stylists to translate their functional and design requirements into elegant, stunning homes that are a joy to live in. With the practical experience you gain from the knowledge in this course, you could put your new skills into action and develop a reliable income doing what you love!
Get started today and change your view for the better!Add a deeper dimension to the interior of your home with your Feng Shui Interior Design chapters. We’ll teach you the fundamentals behind this ancient Chinese practice of bringing balance and harmony to the spaces we live in. Discover how to use shapes, colors and focal points for a pleasing atmosphere. Learn what to consider when placing furniture and objects, the most auspicious location for different daily activities and the importance of flow and order.
As people live busier lives, more and more are willing to employ home stylists to translate their functional and design requirements into elegant, stunning homes that are a joy to live in. With the practical experience you gain from the knowledge in this course, you could put your new skills into action and develop a reliable income doing what you love!
Get started today and change your view for the better!
Bei der International Open Academy werden keine besonderen Vorkenntnisse vorausgesetzt, so dass Sie direkt ohne Vorkenntnisse und somit auch ohne Abitur starten können.
Für wen ist der Zertifikatskurs geeignet?
This is the ideal course for any home owner who wants to turn their ho-hum home into their dream abode!
We teach you everything you need to know to keep costs down, aesthetic high, and to leave you feeling proud of everything you have accomplished! This is the ideal course for any home owner who wants to turn their ho-hum home into their dream abode!
We teach you everything you need to know to keep costs down, aesthetic high, and to leave you feeling proud of everything you have accomplished! This is the ideal course for any home owner who wants to turn their ho-hum home into their dream abode!
We teach you everything you need to know to keep costs down, aesthetic high, and to leave you feeling proud of everything you have accomplished! This is the ideal course for any home owner who wants to turn their ho-hum home into their dream abode!
We teach you everything you need to know to keep costs down, aesthetic high, and to leave you feeling proud of everything you have accomplished! This is the ideal course for any home owner who wants to turn their ho-hum home into their dream abode!
We teach you everything you need to know to keep costs down, aesthetic high, and to leave you feeling proud of everything you have accomplished!
After finishing this course, you could:
Give your home the renovation of your dreams, with the lowest budget possible
Be able to give advice to friends and family
Take your interior design business to the next level
Learn if the interior design and home renovation industries are right for you
After finishing this course, you could:
Give your home the renovation of your dreams, with the lowest budget possible
Be able to give advice to friends and family
Take your interior design business to the next level
Learn if the interior design and home renovation industries are right for you
After finishing this course, you could:
Give your home the renovation of your dreams, with the lowest budget possible
Be able to give advice to friends and family
Take your interior design business to the next level
Learn if the interior design and home renovation industries are right for you
After finishing this course, you could:
Give your home the renovation of your dreams, with the lowest budget possible
Be able to give advice to friends and family
Take your interior design business to the next level
Learn if the interior design and home renovation industries are right for you
After finishing this course, you could:
Give your home the renovation of your dreams, with the lowest budget possible
Be able to give advice to friends and family
Take your interior design business to the next level
Learn if the interior design and home renovation industries are right for you
Die Fernkurse bestehen aus 2 Teilen: zum einen aus den jeweiligen Kursinhalten und zum zweiten aus der Online-Prüfung. Bei dieser müssen min. 55% der Fragen richtig beantwortet werden, um das Zertifikat im .PDF-Format für Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen zu erhalten.
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