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Fernstudium IOA: Growing Food in Small Gardens

Fernstudium IOA: Growing Food in Small Gardens

Weiterempfehlung: 0 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 10 (0,00%)Loading... 457 Views
Studenten (Stand 2020): 390.000
Professoren/Dozenten: ca. 300
Prüfungszentren: keine
Studiengänge: 0
Weiterbildungen: 150+
North Royal Training Limited
IRL: Dogpatch Labs, Unit 1, The CHQ Building,
Custom House Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland.
E-Mail: info@internationalopenacademy.com
Webseite: www.internationalopenacademy.com

Bewertungen International Open Academy

Bewertungen International Open Academy



    Studienberatung & Service



















                      • Bachelor: 0 ; Master: 0; Kurse: >150
                      • Studienstart: jederzeit
                      • Voll- und Teilzeitmodelle: nein
                      • Anrechnung von Vorleistungen: nein
                      • Teststudium: 2 Wochen
                      • Kostenfreie Verlängerung: nein
                      • Prüfungszentren: nicht relevant
                      • Prüfungen weltweit: nicht relevant
                      • Präsenzpflichten: nein
                      • Spezialisierungen: nein
                      • Flexible Kostenmodelle: ja
                      • Online-Tutorien: ja
                      • Learning-App: nein
                      • Fremdsprachen: ja
                      • Unterrichtssprache: englisch
                      • Akkreditierungen: Icoes
                      • Bachelor ohne Abitur: nicht relevant
                      • Social Activities: nein
                      • Kosten: siehe Studiengang

                      If you always thought your space was too small to start a garden, we’re here to prove you wrong!

                      Why grow your own fruit and veg?

                      ensure that they truly are organic and pesticide free
                      teach children about food sources and care for plants
                      reduce your carbon footprint
                      the joy of harvesting and cooking something you grew yourself!

                      When you learn how to grow your own fruits and vegetables, you’re in charge of how they are taken care of, when they are harvested and how long it takes to go from garden to table. Unlike produce from the grocery store, where there is no way to know how long the cucumbers have been sitting out, how many people have squeezed the tomatoes or what chemicals were sprayed on the strawberries.

                      Gardening lowers blood pressue, connects you to green space – even in the middle of the city – and allows you to commune with nature! We’ll teach you everything you need to know, so let’s get growing!
                      If you always thought your space was too small to start a garden, we’re here to prove you wrong!

                      Why grow your own fruit and veg?

                      ensure that they truly are organic and pesticide free
                      teach children about food sources and care for plants
                      reduce your carbon footprint
                      the joy of harvesting and cooking something you grew yourself!

                      When you learn how to grow your own fruits and vegetables, you’re in charge of how they are taken care of, when they are harvested and how long it takes to go from garden to table. Unlike produce from the grocery store, where there is no way to know how long the cucumbers have been sitting out, how many people have squeezed the tomatoes or what chemicals were sprayed on the strawberries.

                      Gardening lowers blood pressue, connects you to green space – even in the middle of the city – and allows you to commune with nature! We’ll teach you everything you need to know, so let’s get growing!
                      If you always thought your space was too small to start a garden, we’re here to prove you wrong!

                      Why grow your own fruit and veg?

                      ensure that they truly are organic and pesticide free
                      teach children about food sources and care for plants
                      reduce your carbon footprint
                      the joy of harvesting and cooking something you grew yourself!

                      When you learn how to grow your own fruits and vegetables, you’re in charge of how they are taken care of, when they are harvested and how long it takes to go from garden to table. Unlike produce from the grocery store, where there is no way to know how long the cucumbers have been sitting out, how many people have squeezed the tomatoes or what chemicals were sprayed on the strawberries.

                      Gardening lowers blood pressue, connects you to green space – even in the middle of the city – and allows you to commune with nature! We’ll teach you everything you need to know, so let’s get growing!
                      If you always thought your space was too small to start a garden, we’re here to prove you wrong!

                      Why grow your own fruit and veg?

                      ensure that they truly are organic and pesticide free
                      teach children about food sources and care for plants
                      reduce your carbon footprint
                      the joy of harvesting and cooking something you grew yourself!

                      When you learn how to grow your own fruits and vegetables, you’re in charge of how they are taken care of, when they are harvested and how long it takes to go from garden to table. Unlike produce from the grocery store, where there is no way to know how long the cucumbers have been sitting out, how many people have squeezed the tomatoes or what chemicals were sprayed on the strawberries.

                      Gardening lowers blood pressue, connects you to green space – even in the middle of the city – and allows you to commune with nature! We’ll teach you everything you need to know, so let’s get growing!
                      If you always thought your space was too small to start a garden, we’re here to prove you wrong!

                      Why grow your own fruit and veg?

                      ensure that they truly are organic and pesticide free
                      teach children about food sources and care for plants
                      reduce your carbon footprint
                      the joy of harvesting and cooking something you grew yourself!

                      When you learn how to grow your own fruits and vegetables, you’re in charge of how they are taken care of, when they are harvested and how long it takes to go from garden to table. Unlike produce from the grocery store, where there is no way to know how long the cucumbers have been sitting out, how many people have squeezed the tomatoes or what chemicals were sprayed on the strawberries.

                      Gardening lowers blood pressue, connects you to green space – even in the middle of the city – and allows you to commune with nature! We’ll teach you everything you need to know, so let’s get growing!

                      Fakten zum Fernkurs Growing Food in Small Gardens der International Open Academy

                      Abschluss Zertifikat
                      Studiendauer 60 Tage
                      Studienzeitverlängerung durch erneute Buchung des Kurses verlängerbar
                      Testphase 10 Tage unverbindlich. Widerrufsrecht von 2 Wochen
                      Studienstart jederzeit möglich
                      Sprache englisch
                      Studienzulassung keine besonderen Voraussetzungen erforderlich
                      Kosten auf Anfrage bzw. siehe Einzelkurs-Infos
                      Anrechnung von Vorleistungen nicht relevant
                      Prüfungen Online-Prüfung, in der min. 55% der Fragen korrekt beantwortet werden müssen, um das Zertifikat zu erhalten

                      Gutscheine und Aktionen: Nur heute (29.04.2020): 1-Jahres-Zugang zu allen Kursen um 30$ günstiger! Studieren & Bezahlen in Euro ist selbstverständlich möglich.


                      This course will teach you:

                      how to choose the best fruits and vegetables for small space gardening
                      how to fill each space with the most productive and practical plants
                      the best information for first-time urban gardening
                      how to plant so that your harvest will be successful
                      techniques for preparing soil and producing your plants
                      ideas on the best containers for your space

                      You are in control of your health, so why not start being in control of your own produce? Begin your fruitful journey into small space gardening today!This course will teach you:

                      how to choose the best fruits and vegetables for small space gardening
                      how to fill each space with the most productive and practical plants
                      the best information for first-time urban gardening
                      how to plant so that your harvest will be successful
                      techniques for preparing soil and producing your plants
                      ideas on the best containers for your space

                      You are in control of your health, so why not start being in control of your own produce? Begin your fruitful journey into small space gardening today!This course will teach you:

                      how to choose the best fruits and vegetables for small space gardening
                      how to fill each space with the most productive and practical plants
                      the best information for first-time urban gardening
                      how to plant so that your harvest will be successful
                      techniques for preparing soil and producing your plants
                      ideas on the best containers for your space

                      You are in control of your health, so why not start being in control of your own produce? Begin your fruitful journey into small space gardening today!This course will teach you:

                      how to choose the best fruits and vegetables for small space gardening
                      how to fill each space with the most productive and practical plants
                      the best information for first-time urban gardening
                      how to plant so that your harvest will be successful
                      techniques for preparing soil and producing your plants
                      ideas on the best containers for your space

                      You are in control of your health, so why not start being in control of your own produce? Begin your fruitful journey into small space gardening today!This course will teach you:

                      how to choose the best fruits and vegetables for small space gardening
                      how to fill each space with the most productive and practical plants
                      the best information for first-time urban gardening
                      how to plant so that your harvest will be successful
                      techniques for preparing soil and producing your plants
                      ideas on the best containers for your space

                      You are in control of your health, so why not start being in control of your own produce? Begin your fruitful journey into small space gardening today!


                      Bei der International Open Academy werden keine besonderen Vorkenntnisse vorausgesetzt, so dass Sie direkt ohne Vorkenntnisse und somit auch ohne Abitur starten können.

                      Für wen ist der Zertifikatskurs geeignet?

                      This course is for:

                      lovers of the freshest fruit and vegetables
                      avid gardeners who don’t have much space
                      new gardeners wanting to start small
                      anyone looking for a healthy new hobby
                      young and old horticulturists alike!
                      This course is for:

                      lovers of the freshest fruit and vegetables
                      avid gardeners who don’t have much space
                      new gardeners wanting to start small
                      anyone looking for a healthy new hobby
                      young and old horticulturists alike!
                      This course is for:

                      lovers of the freshest fruit and vegetables
                      avid gardeners who don’t have much space
                      new gardeners wanting to start small
                      anyone looking for a healthy new hobby
                      young and old horticulturists alike!
                      This course is for:

                      lovers of the freshest fruit and vegetables
                      avid gardeners who don’t have much space
                      new gardeners wanting to start small
                      anyone looking for a healthy new hobby
                      young and old horticulturists alike!
                      This course is for:

                      lovers of the freshest fruit and vegetables
                      avid gardeners who don’t have much space
                      new gardeners wanting to start small
                      anyone looking for a healthy new hobby
                      young and old horticulturists alike!



                      Die Fernkurse bestehen aus 2 Teilen: zum einen aus den jeweiligen Kursinhalten und zum zweiten aus der Online-Prüfung. Bei dieser müssen min. 55% der Fragen richtig beantwortet werden, um das Zertifikat im .PDF-Format für Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen zu erhalten.

                      Fakten und Bewertungen zur IOA

                      Neben den Studiengangsbewertungen können Sie auch die Bewertungen zur International Open Academy selbst abrufen.
                      Alle Fernkurse und Zertifikatskurse der IOA finden Sie in dieser Ãœbersicht.

                      Direkter Link zum Zertifikatskurs

                      Allgemeine Informationen zur International Open Academy finden Sie auf der Ãœbersichtsseite der IOA. Die direkten Informationen zum Fernkurs Growing Food in Small Gardens können Sie hier abrufen¹.

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