Fernstudium IOA: Fundraising and Crowdfunding Management
Weiterempfehlung: | 420 Views |
Professoren/Dozenten: ca. 300
Prüfungszentren: keine
Studiengänge: 0
Weiterbildungen: 150+
IRL: Dogpatch Labs, Unit 1, The CHQ Building,
Custom House Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland.
E-Mail: info@internationalopenacademy.com
Webseite: www.internationalopenacademy.com
Bewertungen International Open Academy
- Bachelor: 0 ; Master: 0; Kurse: >150
- Studienstart: jederzeit
- Voll- und Teilzeitmodelle: nein
- Anrechnung von Vorleistungen: nein
- Teststudium: 2 Wochen
- Kostenfreie Verlängerung: nein
- Prüfungszentren: nicht relevant
- Prüfungen weltweit: nicht relevant
- Präsenzpflichten: nein
- Spezialisierungen: nein
- Flexible Kostenmodelle: ja
- Online-Tutorien: ja
- Learning-App: nein
- Fremdsprachen: ja
- Unterrichtssprache: englisch
- Akkreditierungen: Icoes
- Bachelor ohne Abitur: nicht relevant
- Social Activities: nein
- Kosten: siehe Studiengang
Crowdfunding is an increasingly mainstream fundraising option for companies, businesses, celebrities, and individuals alike, and it’s a tried and true way to earn the funding you need to launch a product, service, or idea into production. In 2015, the crowdfunding industry raised over $16.2 billion worldwide, and it has grown every year since. More importantly, with wildly successful companies and projects like Pebble, Star Citizen, and Glow Forge, whose fundraising campaigns netted them millions in startup funds.
This course is designed to teach you the basics of how to plan, run, and manage a successful crowdfunding campaign on the platform of your choice, by helping you to understand, predict, and use marketing, analytics, and trends to your advantage. While primarily intended for individuals wishing to launch their own crowdfunding or fundraising campaigns, this course is valuable to person who work around startups, in a startup, or around artists who might need crowdfunding campaigns.
If you intend to earn money through a crowdfunding campaign, it is important that you approach the campaign properly, prepare for the extensive amount of marketing and outreach required, and learn how to predict market demand. Most importantly, you have to learn how to create shareable content that will boost your campaign. In 2014, of the 22,252 campaigns launched on Kickstarter, only 37% reached their fundraising goals. This course will guide you through each of these challenges to help you plan, create, and launch a successful crowdfunding campaign.Crowdfunding is an increasingly mainstream fundraising option for companies, businesses, celebrities, and individuals alike, and it’s a tried and true way to earn the funding you need to launch a product, service, or idea into production. In 2015, the crowdfunding industry raised over $16.2 billion worldwide, and it has grown every year since. More importantly, with wildly successful companies and projects like Pebble, Star Citizen, and Glow Forge, whose fundraising campaigns netted them millions in startup funds.
This course is designed to teach you the basics of how to plan, run, and manage a successful crowdfunding campaign on the platform of your choice, by helping you to understand, predict, and use marketing, analytics, and trends to your advantage. While primarily intended for individuals wishing to launch their own crowdfunding or fundraising campaigns, this course is valuable to person who work around startups, in a startup, or around artists who might need crowdfunding campaigns.
If you intend to earn money through a crowdfunding campaign, it is important that you approach the campaign properly, prepare for the extensive amount of marketing and outreach required, and learn how to predict market demand. Most importantly, you have to learn how to create shareable content that will boost your campaign. In 2014, of the 22,252 campaigns launched on Kickstarter, only 37% reached their fundraising goals. This course will guide you through each of these challenges to help you plan, create, and launch a successful crowdfunding campaign.Crowdfunding is an increasingly mainstream fundraising option for companies, businesses, celebrities, and individuals alike, and it’s a tried and true way to earn the funding you need to launch a product, service, or idea into production. In 2015, the crowdfunding industry raised over $16.2 billion worldwide, and it has grown every year since. More importantly, with wildly successful companies and projects like Pebble, Star Citizen, and Glow Forge, whose fundraising campaigns netted them millions in startup funds.
This course is designed to teach you the basics of how to plan, run, and manage a successful crowdfunding campaign on the platform of your choice, by helping you to understand, predict, and use marketing, analytics, and trends to your advantage. While primarily intended for individuals wishing to launch their own crowdfunding or fundraising campaigns, this course is valuable to person who work around startups, in a startup, or around artists who might need crowdfunding campaigns.
If you intend to earn money through a crowdfunding campaign, it is important that you approach the campaign properly, prepare for the extensive amount of marketing and outreach required, and learn how to predict market demand. Most importantly, you have to learn how to create shareable content that will boost your campaign. In 2014, of the 22,252 campaigns launched on Kickstarter, only 37% reached their fundraising goals. This course will guide you through each of these challenges to help you plan, create, and launch a successful crowdfunding campaign.Crowdfunding is an increasingly mainstream fundraising option for companies, businesses, celebrities, and individuals alike, and it’s a tried and true way to earn the funding you need to launch a product, service, or idea into production. In 2015, the crowdfunding industry raised over $16.2 billion worldwide, and it has grown every year since. More importantly, with wildly successful companies and projects like Pebble, Star Citizen, and Glow Forge, whose fundraising campaigns netted them millions in startup funds.
This course is designed to teach you the basics of how to plan, run, and manage a successful crowdfunding campaign on the platform of your choice, by helping you to understand, predict, and use marketing, analytics, and trends to your advantage. While primarily intended for individuals wishing to launch their own crowdfunding or fundraising campaigns, this course is valuable to person who work around startups, in a startup, or around artists who might need crowdfunding campaigns.
If you intend to earn money through a crowdfunding campaign, it is important that you approach the campaign properly, prepare for the extensive amount of marketing and outreach required, and learn how to predict market demand. Most importantly, you have to learn how to create shareable content that will boost your campaign. In 2014, of the 22,252 campaigns launched on Kickstarter, only 37% reached their fundraising goals. This course will guide you through each of these challenges to help you plan, create, and launch a successful crowdfunding campaign.Crowdfunding is an increasingly mainstream fundraising option for companies, businesses, celebrities, and individuals alike, and it’s a tried and true way to earn the funding you need to launch a product, service, or idea into production. In 2015, the crowdfunding industry raised over $16.2 billion worldwide, and it has grown every year since. More importantly, with wildly successful companies and projects like Pebble, Star Citizen, and Glow Forge, whose fundraising campaigns netted them millions in startup funds.
This course is designed to teach you the basics of how to plan, run, and manage a successful crowdfunding campaign on the platform of your choice, by helping you to understand, predict, and use marketing, analytics, and trends to your advantage. While primarily intended for individuals wishing to launch their own crowdfunding or fundraising campaigns, this course is valuable to person who work around startups, in a startup, or around artists who might need crowdfunding campaigns.
If you intend to earn money through a crowdfunding campaign, it is important that you approach the campaign properly, prepare for the extensive amount of marketing and outreach required, and learn how to predict market demand. Most importantly, you have to learn how to create shareable content that will boost your campaign. In 2014, of the 22,252 campaigns launched on Kickstarter, only 37% reached their fundraising goals. This course will guide you through each of these challenges to help you plan, create, and launch a successful crowdfunding campaign.Crowdfunding is an increasingly mainstream fundraising option for companies, businesses, celebrities, and individuals alike, and it’s a tried and true way to earn the funding you need to launch a product, service, or idea into production. In 2015, the crowdfunding industry raised over $16.2 billion worldwide, and it has grown every year since. More importantly, with wildly successful companies and projects like Pebble, Star Citizen, and Glow Forge, whose fundraising campaigns netted them millions in startup funds.
This course is designed to teach you the basics of how to plan, run, and manage a successful crowdfunding campaign on the platform of your choice, by helping you to understand, predict, and use marketing, analytics, and trends to your advantage. While primarily intended for individuals wishing to launch their own crowdfunding or fundraising campaigns, this course is valuable to person who work around startups, in a startup, or around artists who might need crowdfunding campaigns.
If you intend to earn money through a crowdfunding campaign, it is important that you approach the campaign properly, prepare for the extensive amount of marketing and outreach required, and learn how to predict market demand. Most importantly, you have to learn how to create shareable content that will boost your campaign. In 2014, of the 22,252 campaigns launched on Kickstarter, only 37% reached their fundraising goals. This course will guide you through each of these challenges to help you plan, create, and launch a successful crowdfunding campaign.
Fakten zum Fernkurs Fundraising and Crowdfunding Management der International Open Academy
Abschluss | Zertifikat |
Studiendauer | 60 Tage |
Studienzeitverlängerung | durch erneute Buchung des Kurses verlängerbar |
Testphase | 10 Tage unverbindlich. Widerrufsrecht von 2 Wochen |
Studienstart | jederzeit möglich |
Sprache | englisch |
Studienzulassung | keine besonderen Voraussetzungen erforderlich |
Kosten | auf Anfrage bzw. siehe Einzelkurs-Infos |
Anrechnung von Vorleistungen | nicht relevant |
Prüfungen | Online-Prüfung, in der min. 55% der Fragen korrekt beantwortet werden müssen, um das Zertifikat zu erhalten |
Kampagnen | Gutscheine und Aktionen: Nur heute (29.04.2020): 1-Jahres-Zugang zu allen Kursen um 30$ günstiger! Studieren & Bezahlen in Euro ist selbstverständlich möglich. |
Learn how to plan, create, launch, and market a crowdfunding campaign and kickstart your way to success in fundraising. When you complete this course you will know how to:
Choose the best funding option for your project
Select the right crowdfunding platform to boost your chances of success
Analyze your project to ensure that it’s a good fit for crowdfunding
Understand and use market demand to your benefit
Create quotes, goals, and timelines based on manufacturing information
Brand your product and create a sales pitch
Market on social media and the web
Build a network of interested consumers
Create a buzz around your product
Use marketing to boost the success and visibility of your campaign
Learn how to plan, create, launch, and market a crowdfunding campaign and kickstart your way to success in fundraising. When you complete this course you will know how to:
Choose the best funding option for your project
Select the right crowdfunding platform to boost your chances of success
Analyze your project to ensure that it’s a good fit for crowdfunding
Understand and use market demand to your benefit
Create quotes, goals, and timelines based on manufacturing information
Brand your product and create a sales pitch
Market on social media and the web
Build a network of interested consumers
Create a buzz around your product
Use marketing to boost the success and visibility of your campaign
Learn how to plan, create, launch, and market a crowdfunding campaign and kickstart your way to success in fundraising. When you complete this course you will know how to:
Choose the best funding option for your project
Select the right crowdfunding platform to boost your chances of success
Analyze your project to ensure that it’s a good fit for crowdfunding
Understand and use market demand to your benefit
Create quotes, goals, and timelines based on manufacturing information
Brand your product and create a sales pitch
Market on social media and the web
Build a network of interested consumers
Create a buzz around your product
Use marketing to boost the success and visibility of your campaign
Learn how to plan, create, launch, and market a crowdfunding campaign and kickstart your way to success in fundraising. When you complete this course you will know how to:
Choose the best funding option for your project
Select the right crowdfunding platform to boost your chances of success
Analyze your project to ensure that it’s a good fit for crowdfunding
Understand and use market demand to your benefit
Create quotes, goals, and timelines based on manufacturing information
Brand your product and create a sales pitch
Market on social media and the web
Build a network of interested consumers
Create a buzz around your product
Use marketing to boost the success and visibility of your campaign
Learn how to plan, create, launch, and market a crowdfunding campaign and kickstart your way to success in fundraising. When you complete this course you will know how to:
Choose the best funding option for your project
Select the right crowdfunding platform to boost your chances of success
Analyze your project to ensure that it’s a good fit for crowdfunding
Understand and use market demand to your benefit
Create quotes, goals, and timelines based on manufacturing information
Brand your product and create a sales pitch
Market on social media and the web
Build a network of interested consumers
Create a buzz around your product
Use marketing to boost the success and visibility of your campaign
Learn how to plan, create, launch, and market a crowdfunding campaign and kickstart your way to success in fundraising. When you complete this course you will know how to:
Choose the best funding option for your project
Select the right crowdfunding platform to boost your chances of success
Analyze your project to ensure that it’s a good fit for crowdfunding
Understand and use market demand to your benefit
Create quotes, goals, and timelines based on manufacturing information
Brand your product and create a sales pitch
Market on social media and the web
Build a network of interested consumers
Create a buzz around your product
Use marketing to boost the success and visibility of your campaign
Bei der International Open Academy werden keine besonderen Vorkenntnisse vorausgesetzt, so dass Sie direkt ohne Vorkenntnisse und somit auch ohne Abitur starten können.
Für wen ist der Zertifikatskurs geeignet?
This course is a great fit for you if:
You’re an entrepreneur planning to launch a new product or service but need funding
You’re an inventor ready to bring your product to market
You have a great idea but no funds to finance it
Are working with startups who regularly need crowdfunding expertise
Are part of a startup and want to add value to the company
This course is a great fit for you if:
You’re an entrepreneur planning to launch a new product or service but need funding
You’re an inventor ready to bring your product to market
You have a great idea but no funds to finance it
Are working with startups who regularly need crowdfunding expertise
Are part of a startup and want to add value to the company
This course is a great fit for you if:
You’re an entrepreneur planning to launch a new product or service but need funding
You’re an inventor ready to bring your product to market
You have a great idea but no funds to finance it
Are working with startups who regularly need crowdfunding expertise
Are part of a startup and want to add value to the company
This course is a great fit for you if:
You’re an entrepreneur planning to launch a new product or service but need funding
You’re an inventor ready to bring your product to market
You have a great idea but no funds to finance it
Are working with startups who regularly need crowdfunding expertise
Are part of a startup and want to add value to the company
This course is a great fit for you if:
You’re an entrepreneur planning to launch a new product or service but need funding
You’re an inventor ready to bring your product to market
You have a great idea but no funds to finance it
Are working with startups who regularly need crowdfunding expertise
Are part of a startup and want to add value to the company
This course is a great fit for you if:
You’re an entrepreneur planning to launch a new product or service but need funding
You’re an inventor ready to bring your product to market
You have a great idea but no funds to finance it
Are working with startups who regularly need crowdfunding expertise
Are part of a startup and want to add value to the company
After you complete this course, you could:
Work in a startup
Start your own business
Fund a large-scale art project, movie, book, or other artistic endeavor
Bring your great idea to life
Add value to your current job
After you complete this course, you could:
Work in a startup
Start your own business
Fund a large-scale art project, movie, book, or other artistic endeavor
Bring your great idea to life
Add value to your current job
After you complete this course, you could:
Work in a startup
Start your own business
Fund a large-scale art project, movie, book, or other artistic endeavor
Bring your great idea to life
Add value to your current job
After you complete this course, you could:
Work in a startup
Start your own business
Fund a large-scale art project, movie, book, or other artistic endeavor
Bring your great idea to life
Add value to your current job
After you complete this course, you could:
Work in a startup
Start your own business
Fund a large-scale art project, movie, book, or other artistic endeavor
Bring your great idea to life
Add value to your current job
After you complete this course, you could:
Work in a startup
Start your own business
Fund a large-scale art project, movie, book, or other artistic endeavor
Bring your great idea to life
Add value to your current job
Die Fernkurse bestehen aus 2 Teilen: zum einen aus den jeweiligen Kursinhalten und zum zweiten aus der Online-Prüfung. Bei dieser müssen min. 55% der Fragen richtig beantwortet werden, um das Zertifikat im .PDF-Format für Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen zu erhalten.
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Allgemeine Informationen zur International Open Academy finden Sie auf der Ãœbersichtsseite der IOA. Die direkten Informationen zum Fernkurs Fundraising and Crowdfunding Management können Sie hier abrufen¹.
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