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Fernstudium IOA: First Time Mom

Fernstudium IOA: First Time Mom

Weiterempfehlung: 0 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 10 (0,00%)Loading... 470 Views
Studenten (Stand 2020): 390.000
Professoren/Dozenten: ca. 300
Prüfungszentren: keine
Studiengänge: 0
Weiterbildungen: 150+
North Royal Training Limited
IRL: Dogpatch Labs, Unit 1, The CHQ Building,
Custom House Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland.
E-Mail: info@internationalopenacademy.com
Webseite: www.internationalopenacademy.com

Bewertungen International Open Academy

Bewertungen International Open Academy



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                      • Bachelor: 0 ; Master: 0; Kurse: >150
                      • Studienstart: jederzeit
                      • Voll- und Teilzeitmodelle: nein
                      • Anrechnung von Vorleistungen: nein
                      • Teststudium: 2 Wochen
                      • Kostenfreie Verlängerung: nein
                      • Prüfungszentren: nicht relevant
                      • Prüfungen weltweit: nicht relevant
                      • Präsenzpflichten: nein
                      • Spezialisierungen: nein
                      • Flexible Kostenmodelle: ja
                      • Online-Tutorien: ja
                      • Learning-App: nein
                      • Fremdsprachen: ja
                      • Unterrichtssprache: englisch
                      • Akkreditierungen: Icoes
                      • Bachelor ohne Abitur: nicht relevant
                      • Social Activities: nein
                      • Kosten: siehe Studiengang

                      Becoming a Mom for the first time is arguably the most exhilarating, fulfilling, rewarding and challenging experience you’ll go through. You’re about to enter a whole world of new experiences you may know little about. You probably have hundreds of questions, like:
                      What’s normal in pregnancy, physically and emotionally? How will my body change at each stage? eveWhat preparation do I need to do? How careful do I need to be? Will I be able to cope?
                      Even though millions have been down this road before you, it’s all new to you. You’ll get advice left, right and center, some of it conflicting. How do you know what’s right for you?
                      This First Time Mom’s course is written specially for you. It opens up the big, exciting and often scary world of pregnancy and early parenthood and lays it all bare. We clearly and simply give you the low down on all the typical queries and questions new Moms have.Becoming a Mom for the first time is arguably the most exhilarating, fulfilling, rewarding and challenging experience you’ll go through. You’re about to enter a whole world of new experiences you may know little about. You probably have hundreds of questions, like:
                      What’s normal in pregnancy, physically and emotionally? How will my body change at each stage? eveWhat preparation do I need to do? How careful do I need to be? Will I be able to cope?
                      Even though millions have been down this road before you, it’s all new to you. You’ll get advice left, right and center, some of it conflicting. How do you know what’s right for you?
                      This First Time Mom’s course is written specially for you. It opens up the big, exciting and often scary world of pregnancy and early parenthood and lays it all bare. We clearly and simply give you the low down on all the typical queries and questions new Moms have.Becoming a Mom for the first time is arguably the most exhilarating, fulfilling, rewarding and challenging experience you’ll go through. You’re about to enter a whole world of new experiences you may know little about. You probably have hundreds of questions, like:
                      What’s normal in pregnancy, physically and emotionally? How will my body change at each stage? eveWhat preparation do I need to do? How careful do I need to be? Will I be able to cope?
                      Even though millions have been down this road before you, it’s all new to you. You’ll get advice left, right and center, some of it conflicting. How do you know what’s right for you?
                      This First Time Mom’s course is written specially for you. It opens up the big, exciting and often scary world of pregnancy and early parenthood and lays it all bare. We clearly and simply give you the low down on all the typical queries and questions new Moms have.Becoming a Mom for the first time is arguably the most exhilarating, fulfilling, rewarding and challenging experience you’ll go through. You’re about to enter a whole world of new experiences you may know little about. You probably have hundreds of questions, like:
                      What’s normal in pregnancy, physically and emotionally? How will my body change at each stage? eveWhat preparation do I need to do? How careful do I need to be? Will I be able to cope?
                      Even though millions have been down this road before you, it’s all new to you. You’ll get advice left, right and center, some of it conflicting. How do you know what’s right for you?
                      This First Time Mom’s course is written specially for you. It opens up the big, exciting and often scary world of pregnancy and early parenthood and lays it all bare. We clearly and simply give you the low down on all the typical queries and questions new Moms have.Becoming a Mom for the first time is arguably the most exhilarating, fulfilling, rewarding and challenging experience you’ll go through. You’re about to enter a whole world of new experiences you may know little about. You probably have hundreds of questions, like:
                      What’s normal in pregnancy, physically and emotionally? How will my body change at each stage? eveWhat preparation do I need to do? How careful do I need to be? Will I be able to cope?
                      Even though millions have been down this road before you, it’s all new to you. You’ll get advice left, right and center, some of it conflicting. How do you know what’s right for you?
                      This First Time Mom’s course is written specially for you. It opens up the big, exciting and often scary world of pregnancy and early parenthood and lays it all bare. We clearly and simply give you the low down on all the typical queries and questions new Moms have.Becoming a Mom for the first time is arguably the most exhilarating, fulfilling, rewarding and challenging experience you’ll go through. You’re about to enter a whole world of new experiences you may know little about. You probably have hundreds of questions, like:
                      What’s normal in pregnancy, physically and emotionally? How will my body change at each stage? eveWhat preparation do I need to do? How careful do I need to be? Will I be able to cope?
                      Even though millions have been down this road before you, it’s all new to you. You’ll get advice left, right and center, some of it conflicting. How do you know what’s right for you?
                      This First Time Mom’s course is written specially for you. It opens up the big, exciting and often scary world of pregnancy and early parenthood and lays it all bare. We clearly and simply give you the low down on all the typical queries and questions new Moms have.

                      Fakten zum Fernkurs First Time Mom der International Open Academy

                      Abschluss Zertifikat
                      Studiendauer 60 Tage
                      Studienzeitverlängerung durch erneute Buchung des Kurses verlängerbar
                      Testphase 10 Tage unverbindlich. Widerrufsrecht von 2 Wochen
                      Studienstart jederzeit möglich
                      Sprache englisch
                      Studienzulassung keine besonderen Voraussetzungen erforderlich
                      Kosten auf Anfrage bzw. siehe Einzelkurs-Infos
                      Anrechnung von Vorleistungen nicht relevant
                      Prüfungen Online-Prüfung, in der min. 55% der Fragen korrekt beantwortet werden müssen, um das Zertifikat zu erhalten

                      Gutscheine und Aktionen: Nur heute (29.04.2020): 1-Jahres-Zugang zu allen Kursen um 30$ günstiger! Studieren & Bezahlen in Euro ist selbstverständlich möglich.


                      Make informed choices with expert knowledge
                      With a reliable bank of dependable knowledge and advice to refer to anytime, you can progress through your pregnancy in a relaxed and joyful way.

                      What you can do to boost conception chances
                      How to read your natural fertility signals
                      What changes to expect in early pregnancy
                      How to ease back pain, cool heartburn and sleep well
                      Safe levels of exercise and beneficial practices
                      Sex before, during and after pregnancy
                      Pregnancy superfoods and optimum nutrition
                      How to deal with stress and anxiety
                      Tips for labor & birth preparation

                      Navigate parenthood with sound advice
                      Once you’ve given birth, you’re not on your own. We include lots of essential inside knowledge on:

                      Adjusting to your new world
                      Body changes and recovery
                      Breastfeeding wisdom
                      Diapers, skincare & sleeping

                      This course is packed with vital knowledge, really useful tips and expert guidance for first time Moms. Be fully prepared for one of the biggest events of your life – get reading today!Make informed choices with expert knowledge
                      With a reliable bank of dependable knowledge and advice to refer to anytime, you can progress through your pregnancy in a relaxed and joyful way.

                      What you can do to boost conception chances
                      How to read your natural fertility signals
                      What changes to expect in early pregnancy
                      How to ease back pain, cool heartburn and sleep well
                      Safe levels of exercise and beneficial practices
                      Sex before, during and after pregnancy
                      Pregnancy superfoods and optimum nutrition
                      How to deal with stress and anxiety
                      Tips for labor & birth preparation

                      Navigate parenthood with sound advice
                      Once you’ve given birth, you’re not on your own. We include lots of essential inside knowledge on:

                      Adjusting to your new world
                      Body changes and recovery
                      Breastfeeding wisdom
                      Diapers, skincare & sleeping

                      This course is packed with vital knowledge, really useful tips and expert guidance for first time Moms. Be fully prepared for one of the biggest events of your life – get reading today!Make informed choices with expert knowledge
                      With a reliable bank of dependable knowledge and advice to refer to anytime, you can progress through your pregnancy in a relaxed and joyful way.

                      What you can do to boost conception chances
                      How to read your natural fertility signals
                      What changes to expect in early pregnancy
                      How to ease back pain, cool heartburn and sleep well
                      Safe levels of exercise and beneficial practices
                      Sex before, during and after pregnancy
                      Pregnancy superfoods and optimum nutrition
                      How to deal with stress and anxiety
                      Tips for labor & birth preparation

                      Navigate parenthood with sound advice
                      Once you’ve given birth, you’re not on your own. We include lots of essential inside knowledge on:

                      Adjusting to your new world
                      Body changes and recovery
                      Breastfeeding wisdom
                      Diapers, skincare & sleeping

                      This course is packed with vital knowledge, really useful tips and expert guidance for first time Moms. Be fully prepared for one of the biggest events of your life – get reading today!Make informed choices with expert knowledge
                      With a reliable bank of dependable knowledge and advice to refer to anytime, you can progress through your pregnancy in a relaxed and joyful way.

                      What you can do to boost conception chances
                      How to read your natural fertility signals
                      What changes to expect in early pregnancy
                      How to ease back pain, cool heartburn and sleep well
                      Safe levels of exercise and beneficial practices
                      Sex before, during and after pregnancy
                      Pregnancy superfoods and optimum nutrition
                      How to deal with stress and anxiety
                      Tips for labor & birth preparation

                      Navigate parenthood with sound advice
                      Once you’ve given birth, you’re not on your own. We include lots of essential inside knowledge on:

                      Adjusting to your new world
                      Body changes and recovery
                      Breastfeeding wisdom
                      Diapers, skincare & sleeping

                      This course is packed with vital knowledge, really useful tips and expert guidance for first time Moms. Be fully prepared for one of the biggest events of your life – get reading today!Make informed choices with expert knowledge
                      With a reliable bank of dependable knowledge and advice to refer to anytime, you can progress through your pregnancy in a relaxed and joyful way.

                      What you can do to boost conception chances
                      How to read your natural fertility signals
                      What changes to expect in early pregnancy
                      How to ease back pain, cool heartburn and sleep well
                      Safe levels of exercise and beneficial practices
                      Sex before, during and after pregnancy
                      Pregnancy superfoods and optimum nutrition
                      How to deal with stress and anxiety
                      Tips for labor & birth preparation

                      Navigate parenthood with sound advice
                      Once you’ve given birth, you’re not on your own. We include lots of essential inside knowledge on:

                      Adjusting to your new world
                      Body changes and recovery
                      Breastfeeding wisdom
                      Diapers, skincare & sleeping

                      This course is packed with vital knowledge, really useful tips and expert guidance for first time Moms. Be fully prepared for one of the biggest events of your life – get reading today!Make informed choices with expert knowledge
                      With a reliable bank of dependable knowledge and advice to refer to anytime, you can progress through your pregnancy in a relaxed and joyful way.

                      What you can do to boost conception chances
                      How to read your natural fertility signals
                      What changes to expect in early pregnancy
                      How to ease back pain, cool heartburn and sleep well
                      Safe levels of exercise and beneficial practices
                      Sex before, during and after pregnancy
                      Pregnancy superfoods and optimum nutrition
                      How to deal with stress and anxiety
                      Tips for labor & birth preparation

                      Navigate parenthood with sound advice
                      Once you’ve given birth, you’re not on your own. We include lots of essential inside knowledge on:

                      Adjusting to your new world
                      Body changes and recovery
                      Breastfeeding wisdom
                      Diapers, skincare & sleeping

                      This course is packed with vital knowledge, really useful tips and expert guidance for first time Moms. Be fully prepared for one of the biggest events of your life – get reading today!


                      Bei der International Open Academy werden keine besonderen Vorkenntnisse vorausgesetzt, so dass Sie direkt ohne Vorkenntnisse und somit auch ohne Abitur starten können.

                      Für wen ist der Zertifikatskurs geeignet?

                      This course is, of course, designed with the first time mom in mind! It doesn’t stop there, though. It’s a great guide for both parents to go through, to prepare themselves for what’s to come.
                      The best thing that family and friends can do for a first time mom is offer their support, and one way to do that is to become knowledgable about the myriad of changes that pregnancy and childbirth brings.
                      For both new moms and their family, this course offers a wealth of knowledge and support!This course is, of course, designed with the first time mom in mind! It doesn’t stop there, though. It’s a great guide for both parents to go through, to prepare themselves for what’s to come.
                      The best thing that family and friends can do for a first time mom is offer their support, and one way to do that is to become knowledgable about the myriad of changes that pregnancy and childbirth brings.
                      For both new moms and their family, this course offers a wealth of knowledge and support!This course is, of course, designed with the first time mom in mind! It doesn’t stop there, though. It’s a great guide for both parents to go through, to prepare themselves for what’s to come.
                      The best thing that family and friends can do for a first time mom is offer their support, and one way to do that is to become knowledgable about the myriad of changes that pregnancy and childbirth brings.
                      For both new moms and their family, this course offers a wealth of knowledge and support!This course is, of course, designed with the first time mom in mind! It doesn’t stop there, though. It’s a great guide for both parents to go through, to prepare themselves for what’s to come.
                      The best thing that family and friends can do for a first time mom is offer their support, and one way to do that is to become knowledgable about the myriad of changes that pregnancy and childbirth brings.
                      For both new moms and their family, this course offers a wealth of knowledge and support!This course is, of course, designed with the first time mom in mind! It doesn’t stop there, though. It’s a great guide for both parents to go through, to prepare themselves for what’s to come.
                      The best thing that family and friends can do for a first time mom is offer their support, and one way to do that is to become knowledgable about the myriad of changes that pregnancy and childbirth brings.
                      For both new moms and their family, this course offers a wealth of knowledge and support!This course is, of course, designed with the first time mom in mind! It doesn’t stop there, though. It’s a great guide for both parents to go through, to prepare themselves for what’s to come.
                      The best thing that family and friends can do for a first time mom is offer their support, and one way to do that is to become knowledgable about the myriad of changes that pregnancy and childbirth brings.
                      For both new moms and their family, this course offers a wealth of knowledge and support!


                      After completing this course, you could:

                      Help other new moms with the life-changing force growing inside of them
                      Feel more comfortable with your own journey as a new mother
                      Offer support to friends and family during this joyous time
                      Be a source of factual, encouraging information
                      After completing this course, you could:

                      Help other new moms with the life-changing force growing inside of them
                      Feel more comfortable with your own journey as a new mother
                      Offer support to friends and family during this joyous time
                      Be a source of factual, encouraging information
                      After completing this course, you could:

                      Help other new moms with the life-changing force growing inside of them
                      Feel more comfortable with your own journey as a new mother
                      Offer support to friends and family during this joyous time
                      Be a source of factual, encouraging information
                      After completing this course, you could:

                      Help other new moms with the life-changing force growing inside of them
                      Feel more comfortable with your own journey as a new mother
                      Offer support to friends and family during this joyous time
                      Be a source of factual, encouraging information
                      After completing this course, you could:

                      Help other new moms with the life-changing force growing inside of them
                      Feel more comfortable with your own journey as a new mother
                      Offer support to friends and family during this joyous time
                      Be a source of factual, encouraging information
                      After completing this course, you could:

                      Help other new moms with the life-changing force growing inside of them
                      Feel more comfortable with your own journey as a new mother
                      Offer support to friends and family during this joyous time
                      Be a source of factual, encouraging information


                      Die Fernkurse bestehen aus 2 Teilen: zum einen aus den jeweiligen Kursinhalten und zum zweiten aus der Online-Prüfung. Bei dieser müssen min. 55% der Fragen richtig beantwortet werden, um das Zertifikat im .PDF-Format für Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen zu erhalten.

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