Fernstudium IOA: Extensions & Hair Styling
Weiterempfehlung: | 420 Views |
Professoren/Dozenten: ca. 300
Prüfungszentren: keine
Studiengänge: 0
Weiterbildungen: 150+
IRL: Dogpatch Labs, Unit 1, The CHQ Building,
Custom House Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland.
E-Mail: info@internationalopenacademy.com
Webseite: www.internationalopenacademy.com
Bewertungen International Open Academy
- Bachelor: 0 ; Master: 0; Kurse: >150
- Studienstart: jederzeit
- Voll- und Teilzeitmodelle: nein
- Anrechnung von Vorleistungen: nein
- Teststudium: 2 Wochen
- Kostenfreie Verlängerung: nein
- Prüfungszentren: nicht relevant
- Prüfungen weltweit: nicht relevant
- Präsenzpflichten: nein
- Spezialisierungen: nein
- Flexible Kostenmodelle: ja
- Online-Tutorien: ja
- Learning-App: nein
- Fremdsprachen: ja
- Unterrichtssprache: englisch
- Akkreditierungen: Icoes
- Bachelor ohne Abitur: nicht relevant
- Social Activities: nein
- Kosten: siehe Studiengang

We now live in a world where our image is an essential part of everyone’s brand. It’s absolutely vital that all aspects of outward appearance are styled and groomed to perfection. Hair styling is one of the most important elements of the overall image.Hair styling is an exciting, creative and glamorous career or a valuable addition to many professions like personal shopper or image consultant. Based in the fast moving, bustling world of image and fashion, it is satisfying and very rewarding. Our course is written by a top stylist who has many years experience in all areas of hair styling. You’ll receive in-depth understanding on the importance of caring for the different types of hair and see how to work creatively with styling. As up styling and extensions have become such a huge part of the hair styling service, we devote one module each to giving you an excellent education on each of these valuable skills.Is your head in a spin thinking of all the exciting places this could lead you?! Don’t delay, this is a skill you can take anywhere in the world and build a really promising future. Enroll today!
We now live in a world where our image is an essential part of everyone’s brand. It’s absolutely vital that all aspects of outward appearance are styled and groomed to perfection. Hair styling is one of the most important elements of the overall image.Hair styling is an exciting, creative and glamorous career or a valuable addition to many professions like personal shopper or image consultant. Based in the fast moving, bustling world of image and fashion, it is satisfying and very rewarding. Our course is written by a top stylist who has many years experience in all areas of hair styling. You’ll receive in-depth understanding on the importance of caring for the different types of hair and see how to work creatively with styling. As up styling and extensions have become such a huge part of the hair styling service, we devote one module each to giving you an excellent education on each of these valuable skills.Is your head in a spin thinking of all the exciting places this could lead you?! Don’t delay, this is a skill you can take anywhere in the world and build a really promising future. Enroll today!
We now live in a world where our image is an essential part of everyone’s brand. It’s absolutely vital that all aspects of outward appearance are styled and groomed to perfection. Hair styling is one of the most important elements of the overall image.Hair styling is an exciting, creative and glamorous career or a valuable addition to many professions like personal shopper or image consultant. Based in the fast moving, bustling world of image and fashion, it is satisfying and very rewarding. Our course is written by a top stylist who has many years experience in all areas of hair styling. You’ll receive in-depth understanding on the importance of caring for the different types of hair and see how to work creatively with styling. As up styling and extensions have become such a huge part of the hair styling service, we devote one module each to giving you an excellent education on each of these valuable skills.Is your head in a spin thinking of all the exciting places this could lead you?! Don’t delay, this is a skill you can take anywhere in the world and build a really promising future. Enroll today!
We now live in a world where our image is an essential part of everyone’s brand. It’s absolutely vital that all aspects of outward appearance are styled and groomed to perfection. Hair styling is one of the most important elements of the overall image.Hair styling is an exciting, creative and glamorous career or a valuable addition to many professions like personal shopper or image consultant. Based in the fast moving, bustling world of image and fashion, it is satisfying and very rewarding. Our course is written by a top stylist who has many years experience in all areas of hair styling. You’ll receive in-depth understanding on the importance of caring for the different types of hair and see how to work creatively with styling. As up styling and extensions have become such a huge part of the hair styling service, we devote one module each to giving you an excellent education on each of these valuable skills.Is your head in a spin thinking of all the exciting places this could lead you?! Don’t delay, this is a skill you can take anywhere in the world and build a really promising future. Enroll today!
We now live in a world where our image is an essential part of everyone’s brand. It’s absolutely vital that all aspects of outward appearance are styled and groomed to perfection. Hair styling is one of the most important elements of the overall image.Hair styling is an exciting, creative and glamorous career or a valuable addition to many professions like personal shopper or image consultant. Based in the fast moving, bustling world of image and fashion, it is satisfying and very rewarding. Our course is written by a top stylist who has many years experience in all areas of hair styling. You’ll receive in-depth understanding on the importance of caring for the different types of hair and see how to work creatively with styling. As up styling and extensions have become such a huge part of the hair styling service, we devote one module each to giving you an excellent education on each of these valuable skills.Is your head in a spin thinking of all the exciting places this could lead you?! Don’t delay, this is a skill you can take anywhere in the world and build a really promising future. Enroll today!
We now live in a world where our image is an essential part of everyone’s brand. It’s absolutely vital that all aspects of outward appearance are styled and groomed to perfection. Hair styling is one of the most important elements of the overall image.Hair styling is an exciting, creative and glamorous career or a valuable addition to many professions like personal shopper or image consultant. Based in the fast moving, bustling world of image and fashion, it is satisfying and very rewarding. Our course is written by a top stylist who has many years experience in all areas of hair styling. You’ll receive in-depth understanding on the importance of caring for the different types of hair and see how to work creatively with styling. As up styling and extensions have become such a huge part of the hair styling service, we devote one module each to giving you an excellent education on each of these valuable skills.Is your head in a spin thinking of all the exciting places this could lead you?! Don’t delay, this is a skill you can take anywhere in the world and build a really promising future. Enroll today!
Fakten zum Fernkurs Extensions & Hair Styling der International Open Academy
Abschluss | Zertifikat |
Studiendauer | 60 Tage |
Studienzeitverlängerung | durch erneute Buchung des Kurses verlängerbar |
Testphase | 10 Tage unverbindlich. Widerrufsrecht von 2 Wochen |
Studienstart | jederzeit möglich |
Sprache | englisch |
Studienzulassung | keine besonderen Voraussetzungen erforderlich |
Kosten | auf Anfrage bzw. siehe Einzelkurs-Infos |
Anrechnung von Vorleistungen | nicht relevant |
Prüfungen | Online-Prüfung, in der min. 55% der Fragen korrekt beantwortet werden müssen, um das Zertifikat zu erhalten |
Kampagnen | Gutscheine und Aktionen: Nur heute (29.04.2020): 1-Jahres-Zugang zu allen Kursen um 30$ günstiger! Studieren & Bezahlen in Euro ist selbstverständlich möglich. |
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn about:
Hairstyles throughout history, their place in fashion eras and how many classic looks are adapted for a modern twist.
The structure of hair and how to care for, protect and nourish it.
Inside tips and tricks on techniques like washing, straightening, curling, and drying.
How to suit hair color and styles to individual face shapes and skin tones.
How to create special styles for occasions and create many looks with one cut.
Upstyles past trends that are the basis of many modern looks + the latest up to date styles.
Extensions different types and step by step techniques for applying and removing.
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn about:
Hairstyles throughout history, their place in fashion eras and how many classic looks are adapted for a modern twist.
The structure of hair and how to care for, protect and nourish it.
Inside tips and tricks on techniques like washing, straightening, curling, and drying.
How to suit hair color and styles to individual face shapes and skin tones.
How to create special styles for occasions and create many looks with one cut.
Upstyles past trends that are the basis of many modern looks + the latest up to date styles.
Extensions different types and step by step techniques for applying and removing.
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn about:
Hairstyles throughout history, their place in fashion eras and how many classic looks are adapted for a modern twist.
The structure of hair and how to care for, protect and nourish it.
Inside tips and tricks on techniques like washing, straightening, curling, and drying.
How to suit hair color and styles to individual face shapes and skin tones.
How to create special styles for occasions and create many looks with one cut.
Upstyles past trends that are the basis of many modern looks + the latest up to date styles.
Extensions different types and step by step techniques for applying and removing.
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn about:
Hairstyles throughout history, their place in fashion eras and how many classic looks are adapted for a modern twist.
The structure of hair and how to care for, protect and nourish it.
Inside tips and tricks on techniques like washing, straightening, curling, and drying.
How to suit hair color and styles to individual face shapes and skin tones.
How to create special styles for occasions and create many looks with one cut.
Upstyles past trends that are the basis of many modern looks + the latest up to date styles.
Extensions different types and step by step techniques for applying and removing.
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn about:
Hairstyles throughout history, their place in fashion eras and how many classic looks are adapted for a modern twist.
The structure of hair and how to care for, protect and nourish it.
Inside tips and tricks on techniques like washing, straightening, curling, and drying.
How to suit hair color and styles to individual face shapes and skin tones.
How to create special styles for occasions and create many looks with one cut.
Upstyles past trends that are the basis of many modern looks + the latest up to date styles.
Extensions different types and step by step techniques for applying and removing.
Here’s just some of what you’ll learn about:
Hairstyles throughout history, their place in fashion eras and how many classic looks are adapted for a modern twist.
The structure of hair and how to care for, protect and nourish it.
Inside tips and tricks on techniques like washing, straightening, curling, and drying.
How to suit hair color and styles to individual face shapes and skin tones.
How to create special styles for occasions and create many looks with one cut.
Upstyles past trends that are the basis of many modern looks + the latest up to date styles.
Extensions different types and step by step techniques for applying and removing.
Bei der International Open Academy werden keine besonderen Vorkenntnisse vorausgesetzt, so dass Sie direkt ohne Vorkenntnisse und somit auch ohne Abitur starten können.
Für wen ist der Zertifikatskurs geeignet?
Instead of spending many months or even years as an apprentice you can now take the IOA’s hair styling course and train to become a hairstylist in your own home in no time at all. All you need is dedication, some models to practice on (we’re sure you’ll find lots!) and the specific tools which we’ll tell you all about.
Once trained, you could work in a salon that sets trends, style models for fashion shows and magazine photo shoots or integrate your training into an overall styling or personal shopper service. It’s also really useful when giving advice in a fashion retail assistant position.Instead of spending many months or even years as an apprentice you can now take the IOA’s hair styling course and train to become a hairstylist in your own home in no time at all. All you need is dedication, some models to practice on (we’re sure you’ll find lots!) and the specific tools which we’ll tell you all about.
Once trained, you could work in a salon that sets trends, style models for fashion shows and magazine photo shoots or integrate your training into an overall styling or personal shopper service. It’s also really useful when giving advice in a fashion retail assistant position.Instead of spending many months or even years as an apprentice you can now take the IOA’s hair styling course and train to become a hairstylist in your own home in no time at all. All you need is dedication, some models to practice on (we’re sure you’ll find lots!) and the specific tools which we’ll tell you all about.
Once trained, you could work in a salon that sets trends, style models for fashion shows and magazine photo shoots or integrate your training into an overall styling or personal shopper service. It’s also really useful when giving advice in a fashion retail assistant position.Instead of spending many months or even years as an apprentice you can now take the IOA’s hair styling course and train to become a hairstylist in your own home in no time at all. All you need is dedication, some models to practice on (we’re sure you’ll find lots!) and the specific tools which we’ll tell you all about.
Once trained, you could work in a salon that sets trends, style models for fashion shows and magazine photo shoots or integrate your training into an overall styling or personal shopper service. It’s also really useful when giving advice in a fashion retail assistant position.Instead of spending many months or even years as an apprentice you can now take the IOA’s hair styling course and train to become a hairstylist in your own home in no time at all. All you need is dedication, some models to practice on (we’re sure you’ll find lots!) and the specific tools which we’ll tell you all about.
Once trained, you could work in a salon that sets trends, style models for fashion shows and magazine photo shoots or integrate your training into an overall styling or personal shopper service. It’s also really useful when giving advice in a fashion retail assistant position.Instead of spending many months or even years as an apprentice you can now take the IOA’s hair styling course and train to become a hairstylist in your own home in no time at all. All you need is dedication, some models to practice on (we’re sure you’ll find lots!) and the specific tools which we’ll tell you all about.
Once trained, you could work in a salon that sets trends, style models for fashion shows and magazine photo shoots or integrate your training into an overall styling or personal shopper service. It’s also really useful when giving advice in a fashion retail assistant position.
Upon completion of this course, you could:
Start a beauty blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account, showing off your skills and teaching others how to create amazing looks!
Improve your personal style, and the style of friends, with great new looks
This course will introduce you to the industry, and allow you to explore if the challenging and fulfilling hairstylist job is right for you!
For those who already work as stylists, this course could help you stand out in your field, leading to promotions, increased responsibility and more opportunities.
Upon completion of this course, you could:
Start a beauty blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account, showing off your skills and teaching others how to create amazing looks!
Improve your personal style, and the style of friends, with great new looks
This course will introduce you to the industry, and allow you to explore if the challenging and fulfilling hairstylist job is right for you!
For those who already work as stylists, this course could help you stand out in your field, leading to promotions, increased responsibility and more opportunities.
Upon completion of this course, you could:
Start a beauty blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account, showing off your skills and teaching others how to create amazing looks!
Improve your personal style, and the style of friends, with great new looks
This course will introduce you to the industry, and allow you to explore if the challenging and fulfilling hairstylist job is right for you!
For those who already work as stylists, this course could help you stand out in your field, leading to promotions, increased responsibility and more opportunities.
Upon completion of this course, you could:
Start a beauty blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account, showing off your skills and teaching others how to create amazing looks!
Improve your personal style, and the style of friends, with great new looks
This course will introduce you to the industry, and allow you to explore if the challenging and fulfilling hairstylist job is right for you!
For those who already work as stylists, this course could help you stand out in your field, leading to promotions, increased responsibility and more opportunities.
Upon completion of this course, you could:
Start a beauty blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account, showing off your skills and teaching others how to create amazing looks!
Improve your personal style, and the style of friends, with great new looks
This course will introduce you to the industry, and allow you to explore if the challenging and fulfilling hairstylist job is right for you!
For those who already work as stylists, this course could help you stand out in your field, leading to promotions, increased responsibility and more opportunities.
Upon completion of this course, you could:
Start a beauty blog, YouTube channel, or Instagram account, showing off your skills and teaching others how to create amazing looks!
Improve your personal style, and the style of friends, with great new looks
This course will introduce you to the industry, and allow you to explore if the challenging and fulfilling hairstylist job is right for you!
For those who already work as stylists, this course could help you stand out in your field, leading to promotions, increased responsibility and more opportunities.
Die Fernkurse bestehen aus 2 Teilen: zum einen aus den jeweiligen Kursinhalten und zum zweiten aus der Online-Prüfung. Bei dieser müssen min. 55% der Fragen richtig beantwortet werden, um das Zertifikat im .PDF-Format für Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen zu erhalten.
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Allgemeine Informationen zur International Open Academy finden Sie auf der Ãœbersichtsseite der IOA. Die direkten Informationen zum Fernkurs Extensions & Hair Styling können Sie hier abrufen¹.
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