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Fernstudium IOA: Contouring and Highlighting Expert

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Learn how to highlight and contourjust like the pros! Highlighting and contouring aren’t just fancy techniques used by celebrities and professional makeup artists they’re an absolute MUST for any makeup fan. Contouring will sculpt, slim and define your face, so you can get the look you want without having to permanently […]

Fernstudium IOA: Coding for Beginners

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     What in the world is coding all about? The terms coding and programming are thrown about quite frequently in the computer world, but most people don’t really understand what the words mean. In fact, most are coding and programming illiterates and even the ones that can offer up a believable definition, […]

Fernstudium IOA: Cocktail Training & Menu Creation

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Wouldn’t you love to have a career that gives you the opportunity to be creative and make people happy?A talented bartender knows a lot about how to create unique and exciting flavors, while simultaneously playing the role of listener, therapist, and life coach to customers. Understanding what it takes to plan […]

Fernstudium IOA: Clothes and Crafts for Your Pets

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Are you ready to embark into the world of canine fashion? Would you like to create toys and games for your kitty? Have you been searching for the perfect halloween costume for Fido but just can’t find it? Then this is the course for you! In this course, you’ll learn how […]

Fernstudium IOA: Child Psychology: Raising Happy Teens

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     The dreaded teen years – you knew that they were coming, but now that your darling child has become a teenager, everything seems to have changed! From pre-college pressures to navigating social media, there is so much that your teen has to deal with, and you want to be there to […]

Fernstudium IOA: Child Psychology: Raising Happy Kids

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     The most important role in life is the one for which we’re least prepared – raising our children! Often we raise our children in the same way as our parents did or as a reaction against our own upbringing. All we want is for our children to be happy. But we […]

Fernstudium IOA: Charity and Fundraising

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Whether you’re passionate about education, animal rights, or cleaning up the environment, starting your own charity or nonprofit organization is the perfect way to have direct impact on an important cause. Creating a nonprofit, whether big or small, will allow you to control fund allocation, turn your ideas into reality, and […]

Fernstudium IOA: Careers with Animals

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Now is your chance to put into action a career working with animals! This course is ideal for anyone with an aptitude for animals who wishes to turn their dreams into reality. It will help you discover where your strengths and talents lie and then brainstorm jobs that match your capabilities. […]

Fernstudium IOA: Care of the Senior Pet

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     „Care of the Older Pet“ is an invaluable guide for the concerned pet parent who wishes their senior pet to get the most out of life. This course is all about keeping your pet healthy, happy, and active into their senior years. Old dogs and old cats are more prone to […]

Fernstudium IOA: Care for Older Adults

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Did you know that the senior population is expected to double in the next few years? As the boomer population reaches age 65, the senior population is projected to reach 83.7 million approximately twenty percent of the total US population. According to Quartz Magazine, the future of American jobs is taking […]