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Fernstudium IOA: Edible Gifts

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     If you love being creative, enjoy cooking and always struggle to find the perfect gifts for your friends and family for birthdays or holidays then this course in how to make edible gifts is for you! Making edible gifts allows you the opportunity to create beautiful, unique gifts at a fraction […]

Fernstudium IOA: Dyslexia Awareness

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Orlando Bloom, Whoopi Goldberg and Steven Spielberg are some of the famous people who live with dyslexia. It’s a common learning disorder but would you recognize the signs? Does your child or someone you know: Have problems learning the alphabet? Struggles when learning nursery rhymes like ‚Jack and Jill‘? Have a […]

Fernstudium IOA: Drawing and Illustration for Beginners

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Would you love to draw a beautiful picture? You can! Our video course, created by popular YouTube artist Shayda Campbell, shows you how to draw with easy-to-follow videos. You watch and follow her example. Release your inner artist, express yourself on paper and learn to draw with confidence. This course is […]

Fernstudium IOA: Doggy Desserts

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Whether you have a dog that has strict dietary needs or just want to ensure your furry friend is eating the healthiest, most nutritious food out there, this course is jam-packed with over 100 recipes that your dogs will not only enjoy, but they are also good for them. As a […]

Fernstudium IOA: Dog Walking

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     This in-depth course covers everything you need to know to start a successful career as a dog walker! You’ll expand your knowledge of dog training and psychology while gaining useful skills. Through this course, you will learn how to safely interact with all temperaments of dogs, from reading body language to […]

Fernstudium IOA: Dog Training Essentials

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Whether you need to train your new puppy or you own an older dog with problem behaviors, then this video course, filmed with real dogs, is for you. Less than 5% of dog owners take their canine friends to a training center. Physically attending classes each week takes commitment, time and […]

Fernstudium IOA: Dog Socialization and Obedience MasterClass

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     There’s no doubt about it, dogs are EVERYONE’s best friend! But occasionally, every dog owner will go through phases where their lovable pooch acts more like a monster and it can be a frustrating and difficult time. Some dogs have trouble adjusting when they are brought home for the first time, […]

Fernstudium IOA: Dog Behavior & Training

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Learn practical training skills, how to correct bad behaviors, and advanced training techniques for making you and your dog happy Get inside your dog’s mind to reap the results of reward-based dog training. Through an understanding of dog psychology you move onto motivating your best buddy using rewards and how to […]

Fernstudium IOA: DNA & Genealogy

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Your past makes you and shapes you and your family. So have you ever been curious about? Your roots and where you came from? What your family did throughout history? If your family took part in any major historic events? Whether you have a famous relative, or maybe even royal connections? […]

Fernstudium IOA: DIY Home Improvements

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Have you always wanted to try your hand at home improvement and DIY projects? DIY, or Do-It-Yourself, can be a great way to maintain your house and garden and to add new features that you can enjoy for years to come. The satisfaction from building things with our own two hands […]