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Fernstudium IOA: Money Magic

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Do you dream of the excitement and mystery of magic? Do you wonder how those dashing performers execute perfect tricks, leaving audiences thrilled? Then this is the course for you! In our Money Magic course, we’re going to take you behind the scenes and teach you the secrets behind the tricks. […]

Fernstudium IOA: Mobile Photography

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Did you know that hundreds of thousands of people around the world, if not millions, are taking professional-level photos with nothing but their phones? Just a few years ago, cellphone cameras were blurry, and pretty much good for nothing, but that’s all changed. Smartphone and iPhone cameras are highly advanced and […]

Fernstudium IOA: Mobile App Development with Flutter and Dart

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Do you „wish there was an app for that“ but don’t have the skills to bring it to life? Do you run a business and know the many benefits that an app will bring to your brand but you don’t have at least $25,000 to pay an app developer? Are you […]

Fernstudium IOA: Mindfulness Masterclass

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     The average human spends about 47% of waking hours thinking about things, and primarily things that could go wrong according to a study published by Harvard University. Spending nearly half of our lives worrying about what can go wrong may be extremely common, but it has negative affects to our well […]

Fernstudium IOA: Microsoft Word

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Get the most out of your word processor Most people believe that they know how to utilize Microsoft Word, but outside of typing a few sentences, the reality is that few really understand all that Word has to offer. Microsoft Word is a robust desktop publishing application that can be utilized […]

Fernstudium IOA: Microsoft Powerpoint

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Do you want to create beautiful and professional presentations that leave your competition in the dust? This PowerPoint course will teach students to create attractive and dynamic PowerPoint presentations. By the end of the course, students will be able to create complete slideshows that include text, graphics and video. The course […]

Fernstudium IOA: Mentalism and Mind Reading

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Would you love to learn tricks that’ll leave your audience open-mouthed in amazement? Who hasn’t watched a magician or mentalist and thought ‚How do they do that?‘. With our help, you can learn to unlock the door to the magician’s box of tricks. In our Mentalism and Mind Reading course we […]

Fernstudium IOA: Master Herbalist

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     People have been treating diseases, mental and physical, with herbs for thousands of years. Each village used to have its own Master Herbalist, a specialist who would treat those around them with their knowledge of the natural world and the cures we can find in plants. Do you want to learn […]

Fernstudium IOA: Market Your Business

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Without marketing, even the best business idea in the world will just stand still. It takes clever and focused marketing to bring any service or product into the awareness of its target audience and show it so favourably it’s chosen over its competition. Marketing is a broad term, encompassing many tools, […]

Fernstudium IOA: Makeup for the Everyday Woman

Weiterempfehlung: ¹Werbelink     Contouring? Cat eyes? Strobing? If you’ve picked up a magazine or read a beauty blog lately, you may be overwhelmed by the latest beauty trends. There are new products, new techniques, and new looks and you’re still trying to figure out how mascara works. We totally get it! Sure, there are […]