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Fernstudium IOA: Microsoft Powerpoint

Fernstudium IOA: Microsoft Powerpoint

Weiterempfehlung: 0 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 100 votes, average: 0,00 out of 10 (0,00%)Loading... 444 Views
Studenten (Stand 2020): 390.000
Professoren/Dozenten: ca. 300
Prüfungszentren: keine
Studiengänge: 0
Weiterbildungen: 150+
North Royal Training Limited
IRL: Dogpatch Labs, Unit 1, The CHQ Building,
Custom House Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland.
E-Mail: info@internationalopenacademy.com
Webseite: www.internationalopenacademy.com

Bewertungen International Open Academy

Bewertungen International Open Academy



    Studienberatung & Service



















                      • Bachelor: 0 ; Master: 0; Kurse: >150
                      • Studienstart: jederzeit
                      • Voll- und Teilzeitmodelle: nein
                      • Anrechnung von Vorleistungen: nein
                      • Teststudium: 2 Wochen
                      • Kostenfreie Verlängerung: nein
                      • Prüfungszentren: nicht relevant
                      • Prüfungen weltweit: nicht relevant
                      • Präsenzpflichten: nein
                      • Spezialisierungen: nein
                      • Flexible Kostenmodelle: ja
                      • Online-Tutorien: ja
                      • Learning-App: nein
                      • Fremdsprachen: ja
                      • Unterrichtssprache: englisch
                      • Akkreditierungen: Icoes
                      • Bachelor ohne Abitur: nicht relevant
                      • Social Activities: nein
                      • Kosten: siehe Studiengang

                      Do you want to create beautiful and professional presentations that leave your competition in the dust?
                      This PowerPoint course will teach students to create attractive and dynamic PowerPoint presentations. By the end of the course, students will be able to create complete slideshows that include text, graphics and video. The course begins with the basics of creating and editing slides. Students will then progress to making those slides visually appealing with themes and colors. In the following two modules, students will learn how to create and insert charts and infographics, and how to include audio and video that can be played directly from the slideshow. The course ends with final review, adding notes and creating printable handouts, and saving the slideshow appropriately.Do you want to create beautiful and professional presentations that leave your competition in the dust?
                      This PowerPoint course will teach students to create attractive and dynamic PowerPoint presentations. By the end of the course, students will be able to create complete slideshows that include text, graphics and video. The course begins with the basics of creating and editing slides. Students will then progress to making those slides visually appealing with themes and colors. In the following two modules, students will learn how to create and insert charts and infographics, and how to include audio and video that can be played directly from the slideshow. The course ends with final review, adding notes and creating printable handouts, and saving the slideshow appropriately.Do you want to create beautiful and professional presentations that leave your competition in the dust?
                      This PowerPoint course will teach students to create attractive and dynamic PowerPoint presentations. By the end of the course, students will be able to create complete slideshows that include text, graphics and video. The course begins with the basics of creating and editing slides. Students will then progress to making those slides visually appealing with themes and colors. In the following two modules, students will learn how to create and insert charts and infographics, and how to include audio and video that can be played directly from the slideshow. The course ends with final review, adding notes and creating printable handouts, and saving the slideshow appropriately.Do you want to create beautiful and professional presentations that leave your competition in the dust?
                      This PowerPoint course will teach students to create attractive and dynamic PowerPoint presentations. By the end of the course, students will be able to create complete slideshows that include text, graphics and video. The course begins with the basics of creating and editing slides. Students will then progress to making those slides visually appealing with themes and colors. In the following two modules, students will learn how to create and insert charts and infographics, and how to include audio and video that can be played directly from the slideshow. The course ends with final review, adding notes and creating printable handouts, and saving the slideshow appropriately.

                      Fakten zum Fernkurs Microsoft Powerpoint der International Open Academy

                      Abschluss Zertifikat
                      Studiendauer 60 Tage
                      Studienzeitverlängerung durch erneute Buchung des Kurses verlängerbar
                      Testphase 10 Tage unverbindlich. Widerrufsrecht von 2 Wochen
                      Studienstart jederzeit möglich
                      Sprache englisch
                      Studienzulassung keine besonderen Voraussetzungen erforderlich
                      Kosten auf Anfrage bzw. siehe Einzelkurs-Infos
                      Anrechnung von Vorleistungen nicht relevant
                      Prüfungen Online-Prüfung, in der min. 55% der Fragen korrekt beantwortet werden müssen, um das Zertifikat zu erhalten

                      Gutscheine und Aktionen: Nur heute (29.04.2020): 1-Jahres-Zugang zu allen Kursen um 30$ günstiger! Studieren & Bezahlen in Euro ist selbstverständlich möglich.


                      Introduction to creating dynamic, attractive slides
                      Start at the very beginning with the basics of opening, editing and saving a file. Learn to add and edit text, images and shapes to begin building the content of your presentation. Then, take your creation and make it shine with visually pleasing themes, backgrounds and fonts. Increase the appeal of your presentation even further by adding snappy transitions and animations to your slides.
                      More advanced modifications add class and style
                      Learn to add links to relevant websites, and create charts and other infographics for your business presentations.Then add interesting audio clips or relevant clips of video that play right from your slide.
                      Final touches to present like a pro
                      Learn to use review tools to assure the presentation is accurate and easy to read. Create notes and handouts and show your audience that you’ve come prepared to wow them. Assure you’ve saved the final presentation and any associated media in the right file format.Introduction to creating dynamic, attractive slides
                      Start at the very beginning with the basics of opening, editing and saving a file. Learn to add and edit text, images and shapes to begin building the content of your presentation. Then, take your creation and make it shine with visually pleasing themes, backgrounds and fonts. Increase the appeal of your presentation even further by adding snappy transitions and animations to your slides.
                      More advanced modifications add class and style
                      Learn to add links to relevant websites, and create charts and other infographics for your business presentations.Then add interesting audio clips or relevant clips of video that play right from your slide.
                      Final touches to present like a pro
                      Learn to use review tools to assure the presentation is accurate and easy to read. Create notes and handouts and show your audience that you’ve come prepared to wow them. Assure you’ve saved the final presentation and any associated media in the right file format.Introduction to creating dynamic, attractive slides
                      Start at the very beginning with the basics of opening, editing and saving a file. Learn to add and edit text, images and shapes to begin building the content of your presentation. Then, take your creation and make it shine with visually pleasing themes, backgrounds and fonts. Increase the appeal of your presentation even further by adding snappy transitions and animations to your slides.
                      More advanced modifications add class and style
                      Learn to add links to relevant websites, and create charts and other infographics for your business presentations.Then add interesting audio clips or relevant clips of video that play right from your slide.
                      Final touches to present like a pro
                      Learn to use review tools to assure the presentation is accurate and easy to read. Create notes and handouts and show your audience that you’ve come prepared to wow them. Assure you’ve saved the final presentation and any associated media in the right file format.Introduction to creating dynamic, attractive slides
                      Start at the very beginning with the basics of opening, editing and saving a file. Learn to add and edit text, images and shapes to begin building the content of your presentation. Then, take your creation and make it shine with visually pleasing themes, backgrounds and fonts. Increase the appeal of your presentation even further by adding snappy transitions and animations to your slides.
                      More advanced modifications add class and style
                      Learn to add links to relevant websites, and create charts and other infographics for your business presentations.Then add interesting audio clips or relevant clips of video that play right from your slide.
                      Final touches to present like a pro
                      Learn to use review tools to assure the presentation is accurate and easy to read. Create notes and handouts and show your audience that you’ve come prepared to wow them. Assure you’ve saved the final presentation and any associated media in the right file format.


                      Bei der International Open Academy werden keine besonderen Vorkenntnisse vorausgesetzt, so dass Sie direkt ohne Vorkenntnisse und somit auch ohne Abitur starten können.

                      Für wen ist der Zertifikatskurs geeignet?

                      Who should take this course?

                      Anyone who wants to create appealing and informative PowerPoint presentations

                      Business people and managers who regularly present sales pitches, proposals or data analysis

                      Educators and speakers who teach or lead groups

                      Students who want to be at the head of the class when giving presentations

                      Who should take this course?

                      Anyone who wants to create appealing and informative PowerPoint presentations

                      Business people and managers who regularly present sales pitches, proposals or data analysis

                      Educators and speakers who teach or lead groups

                      Students who want to be at the head of the class when giving presentations

                      Who should take this course?

                      Anyone who wants to create appealing and informative PowerPoint presentations

                      Business people and managers who regularly present sales pitches, proposals or data analysis

                      Educators and speakers who teach or lead groups

                      Students who want to be at the head of the class when giving presentations

                      Who should take this course?

                      Anyone who wants to create appealing and informative PowerPoint presentations

                      Business people and managers who regularly present sales pitches, proposals or data analysis

                      Educators and speakers who teach or lead groups

                      Students who want to be at the head of the class when giving presentations


                      Knowing how to create engaging, professional PowerPoint presentations will serve you well in any career path! To have this skill will be a building block on the road to getting the job you want, no matter what that job is.


                      Die Fernkurse bestehen aus 2 Teilen: zum einen aus den jeweiligen Kursinhalten und zum zweiten aus der Online-Prüfung. Bei dieser müssen min. 55% der Fragen richtig beantwortet werden, um das Zertifikat im .PDF-Format für Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen zu erhalten.

                      Fakten und Bewertungen zur IOA

                      Neben den Studiengangsbewertungen können Sie auch die Bewertungen zur International Open Academy selbst abrufen.
                      Alle Fernkurse und Zertifikatskurse der IOA finden Sie in dieser Ãœbersicht.

                      Direkter Link zum Zertifikatskurs

                      Allgemeine Informationen zur International Open Academy finden Sie auf der Ãœbersichtsseite der IOA. Die direkten Informationen zum Fernkurs Microsoft Powerpoint können Sie hier abrufen¹.

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